Philippines Reverse Lookup

Mobile phone number in Philippines: +63 - 918 - Local Number
Phone carrier: Smart
Country: Philippines
Country code: 63
Area Code 918: Mobile Phone
Capital of Philippines: Manila
Local Time:
Time Zone: Philippines Time (PHT)
Mobile codes for Philippines: 90, 93, 912, 915, 917, 918, 973
Philippines reverse phone lookup
63-918 phone numbers Location: Mobile Phone

How to call Philippines Mobile Phone from:
International Calling Codes - How to Call to and from Philippines
International Calling Codes: How to Dial Phone Numbers in Philippines
Philippines Phone Numbers: +63 + Area Code + Local Number

Philippines +63-918 Reverse Lookup - Philippine Mobile Number Search

Simply enter a Philippines mobile number in the correct international format,
Reverse Lookup: +63 + Mobile Code + Local Number ... for instant results!
Country Information
Country: Philippines
Country Code: 63
Philippines Area Code 918: Mobile Phone
Exit Code: 00
Philippines Population: 99,900,177
Continent: Asia & Middle East